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2 posts tagged with "Ethereum"

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Startup ideas for 2022

· 4 min read

[You can also listen to me talking about these ideas with Jakob Greenfeld in his Business Brainstorms podcast]

Happy 2022! One of my (many) strange hobbies is to keep a list of ideas that I would like to explore one day. Each year this list gets larger and my availability gets smaller. This is why I want to share these ideas, in hopes that it will inspire someone to start their own company.

How to become an ETH2 validator?

· 11 min read

Ethereum is one of the leading crypto projects (second to bitcoin). In December 2020 Ethereum released the first stage of Ethereum 2.0. The biggest difference is that there is no need for an expensive calculation to validate blockchain transactions, miners can earn money only by staking their coins. This is a shift from proof-of-work to proof-of-stake. You can read more on the vision here.